Jeff M. Poulin has been selected to present a paper titled, “The Creative Generation and Arts Education Innovations through the Crises of 2020“ at UNESCO’s UNITWIN Symposium “Arts Education in and through a Time of Crisis: How arts education can contribute to resolving today's challenges.”
Hosted by the Korea Arts & Culture Education Service, the 4th UNESCO-UNITWIN symposium aims to discuss how the fundamentals and practices of arts and culture education can contribute to the social and cultural crises facing today's world under the theme "Arts Education in and through a Time of Crisis: How arts education can contribute to resolving today's challenges".
UNESCO UNITWIN - Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development is made up of members of INRAE (International Network of Research in Arts Education), ENO (European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural education), APAH (Asia-Pacific Arts Education Hub) gathered around and formed a unity in 2007 through the network which is consist of UNESCO affiliated universities and research institutes.